April 07, 2023 Media Coverage
An interview article featuring Miyata Ryu has been published in the April 6th, 2023 issue of "Shukan Bunshun Enta Plus".
An interview article titled "Does Kamen Rider Dream of Modern Science?" by two science communicators, Miyata Ryu from the Araya Research and Development Department and Iwasawa Daichi from the Miraikan, has been published in the magazine "Shukan Bunshun Enta Plus Special Feature: Enjoy 10 times more! 'Shin Kamen Rider'" released on April 6th, 2023 by the Bungeishunju publishing company. The article is an enjoyable read for anyone who has already watched the currently released movie "Shin Kamen Rider" as well as for those who have not, so please give it a read!
【Related links】
Shukan Bunshun Enta Plus (This magazine is only available in Japanese.)